Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs - 4 Things an Exterminator won't tell you

We don't want to go about bashing any professional exterminators when we talk about how to get rid of bed bugs.  We've worked with many and highly recommend several to people who would like to go that route.  They are professional, courteous, and effective.  But...

There are also a lot of exterminators out there who don't do a good job, and who effectively rip off their clients.  For that reason, this is short list of recommendations, to either just think about or else ask any exterminator you're thinking of hiring.  We know how to to get rid of bed bugs, and anyone whom you hire should also.

  1. You could do this yourself.  Now - we're not saying that you necessarily should do this yourself, but it's possible.  Getting rid of bed bugs is somewhat simpler than it used to be because we know what works.  It's certainly less of hassle getting someone to come in and solve your infestation, but don't let anyone persuade you that you can't do it on your own if that's the way you'd prefer to go.
  2. It only takes one treatment to get rid of bed bugs.  By and large, this is typically untrue.  Some minor problems may be solved this way, but the fact is that more serious situations will require several treatments, even by the best professionals.  Your exterminator should agree in writing that they'll provide several treatments over a 4-6 week period.
  3. Bed Bug Spray is a sufficient treatment.  Again, this is utterly false.  If you're talking to a professional who tells you how they'll come in and spray every crook and cranny in your home, then say "Great, but what else will you do?"  They should also dry steam and probably sprinkle a treatment of diatomaceous earth around to kill bed bugs that survive the initial treatment.
  4. You need to pay a fortune.  Hiring an exterminator is going to cost you a bit of money.  They know how to get rid of bed bugs, and you are paying for their expertise and experience.  However, they shouldn't be ripping you off, and their prices are almost always negotiable.
Bed bugs are becoming a problem of slightly ridiculous scale, but you can solve your infestation with just a little research and hard work.